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Sleep tips to try now

If you have long term sleep struggles, we can help you with lasting solutions. We have also put together some tips to help with relaxation and sleep if you need immediate help.  Browse the list and try the ones that sound most appealing to you. If you have a favorite sleep tip to share, send us a note here.and we will add your ideas!


This resource is more for you to use later as it includes all the basic advice on good 'sleep hygiene', or everyday practices that aid sleep.


Here is a list with quick links to some top sleep apps and white noise generators you can try right from you phone or computer. Each has a brief description.


Here are some ways to relax and calm a racing mind without getting out of bed, including breathing exercises, progressive relaxation and thought blocking


If you  have been laying awake in bed long enough and would rather get up and try something else, here are some other sleep helpers.




White noise sites with direct links - no app required

A steady noise at certain frequencies (like a fan)  can calm your mind and body to lull you off to sleep   These sites offer free 'white noise' (and pink and brown noise frequencies as well) without requiring an app download.  Just click the link and choose your sound:


Try the fan -double click fan icon then set to brown tone below


There is a default sound, but you can adjust it -- we think setting the first three sliders higher, the next three mid-range and the rest lower sounds soothing


Scroll to the bottom and try the brown noise



A Selection of Sleep Apps

Here are some free apps which you can download from the Apple store or the Google Play store that include sound generators as well as other features aimed at better sleep.


  • Pzizz: - customizable 'dreamscapes' based on psychoacoustics



  • Noisli - allows you to create your own soundscapes


sleep apps
Tips in Bed




Breathing Exercises

Your body instinctively knows that if your breathing is calm and steady, then you are not in danger so it will then send calming signals to your brain.  Try a technique below to help calm your breathing now.  As you do, remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.   


  • Belly Breathing   - Hold your hand on your belly and try to expand it as you breathe in through your nose for 3-5 counts and then expel it as you breathe out through tight lips for 3 -5 counts . This helps you to breathe deeply from your diaphragm instead of the more shallow breaths from higher in your chest.


  • Counted Breaths (4-7-8 Breathing)Close your mouth and hold your tongue against the ridge behind your upper front teeth.
    Inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four (4).
    Hold your breath for a count of seven (7).
    Exhale completely through your mouth to a count of eight (8).  Exhale strongly to get all the air out of your lungs.  You can even make a low sound as you exhale if that helps,


  • Alternate Nostril BreathingAs you inhale, place your finger over your right nostril and only breathe through your left. As you exhale through you mouth, switch nostrils and  then only breathe in through your right. You can pair this with counted breathing.


Progressive Relaxation

Not only does this technique physically relax your body, it can also calm a racing mind.  Your mind may be stuck in a loop causing you to feel out of control,  but this bodily exercise can override that by the act of controlling specific muscle groups one by one.


You may prefer starting with your toes and working up to your head or vice versa.  Here are some muscle groups to try.  Tense and then slowly relax them separately or in groups as you find helpful:


  • Toes 

  • Lower legs , thighs and buttocks 

  • Hands, wrists and forearms

  • Biceps and shoulders

  • Back

  • Stomach and chest

  • Neck

  • Cheeks and jaw

  • Around the mouth

  • Around the eyes and forehead


Thought Blocking

Sometimes you need a relaxing distraction for your mind to allow it to calm down and drift off to sleep. Here are some methods to try:


  • "THE"   -  Pick a simple non-emotional word like "the' and just repeat  it quietly and steadily over and over. You may want to pair it with a simple image like seeing the word appearing inside a circle or square each time you say it.  Slowly breathe in through your nose and then repeat the word as you slowly breathe out through your mouth.


  • Mental Puzzle  -  Try doing a mental puzzle out loud, like counting by twos up to one  hundred, or counting backwards by tens from 1000, or whatever you find keeps your mind engaged without being overtaxed 


  • Calming AudioAlthough there are scientific reasons to avoid screens at night due to the blue light* they emit (it interferes with your melatonin production), many people find that using their phone to listen to the SOUND ONLY of old tv episodes can ease them into sleep.  Choose old episodes from a show you find calming and comforting to provide the right balance of distraction without stimulation.  Books on tape or a favorite old movie could serve the same purpose. 

​                    *Use 'night mode' on your devices to block out  blue light 



If your mind is racing you can put the brakes on it by grounding yourself in your bodily senses.  Here are a few variations to try:


  • 3-3-3 Technique  - Name 3 things you can see. Then 3 things you can touch.  Then move 3 parts of your body.  Follow up with some deep breathing.  


  • 5-4-3-2-1 Technique  - Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste (this one may not apply if you are in bed).   Once you feel more grounded, you may want to move on to another calming technique like deep breathing or muscle relaxation.




If you have been trying to fall asleep for a while and are just getting frustrated lying in bed, you may get sleepy faster if you get up and try one of these ideas:


  • Stretching - While vigorous exercise would not be helpful in the middle of the night, relaxing stretches similar to yoga can help calm a restless mind and body.  Here are some to try:

Bear hug -extend your arms out wide as you inhale, wrap your arms over each other as you exhale and give yourself a hug, breathe deeply and slowly a few times, then repeat.

The twist - While lying flat on your back, draw your knees up towards your chest, then slowly rotate them from side to side while keeping your back as flat as possible.

Neck stretches - gently bring your right ear towards your right shoulder and hold for a few breaths, then stretch to other side and repeat. Also try dropping your chin towards your chest and holding for a few breaths as you relax your neck and then tilt it back gently for a few more breaths and repeat.


  • Sleep Environment  - Ideally your room should be dark and comfortably cool for the best sleep. If your room isn't dark enough at night you may want to put on a sleep mask or improvise one for the moment. The sleeve of a soft sweatshirt or any soft fabric that is handy may help.  Some people find that sleeping with warm (but not tight) socks promotes sleep. And feeling wrapped up or 'cocooned' by tucking blankets around your sides can also be calming (similar to a weighted blanket).


  • Sleep Snacks   - Although eating late isn't generally a good idea (it gets your digestion geared back up),  sometimes you are just too hungry to sleep.  The best night time snacks are not too big and contain both a carb and some protein such as cheese and crackers, cereal and milk or a banana and peanut butter.


  • Warm herbal tea  - A warm mug of non-caffeinated tea helps many people relax. Chamomile tea is the most studied sleep tea, shown to have sedative and analgesic effects along with aiding digestion.  Also, just holding a warm mug is proven to relax you.


  • Reading  - Getting out of bed and cozying up with a good old-fashioned book  (in the lowest light possible) can often be just the distraction you need to drift off into relaxation and sleep.


  • Writing  - Many people find it helpful to jot down those thoughts that pop into your head when you can't sleep.  It could e something on your to-do list that you are afraid you will forget-- once it is written down, it is easier to put it out of your mind.  Likewise, even a big problem that is stuck in your mind can be put on paper, folded over and 'put to bed' till tomorrow.



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